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Vit A
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Pea Protein
Acidophilus, Digestizyme®, Eliminex®
Peppermint Oil
A-Z Multi®
Maxi Hair®
MultiMax Advance®
Health Insurance+
Gynovite Plus®
StrongStart MVM®
Fatty Acids
Evening Primrose
Flax Seed Oil
Starflower Oil
Omega 3 oils
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Glucosamine QCV®
Co-Enzyme Q10
Soya Lecithin
Aloe Vera
Black Cohosh
Cranberry Complex
Ginger Capsules
Ginkgo Biloba
Green Tea
Horse Chestnut
Milk Thistle
Saw Palmetto
Soya Isoflavones
St. John's Wort
Vitex agnus-castus
Your in Control®
Amino Acid Formulations  
8333 Pea Proteinnew.gif (922 bytes) Amino Acid Complex

We are pleased to launch Pea Protein, which as the name suggests, is a protein product sourced from peas. By a clever process of extraction and purification the protein is concentrated from the normal level of 6% in fresh peas to 90% in this product! This unique process produces protein that is highly soluble and therefore easy to digest and absorb.

We specifically chose peas as the source of protein because the amino acid profile is excellent - it is rich in 'branched chain amino acids' (leucine, isoleucine and valine) and is richer in arginine than any other commercially available protein. Arginine is involved in the immune system response to challenges and also plays a part in weight control. It also means that it is free from wheat, gluten, dairy products, eggs, soya and animal products.

We think you will find it an invaluable protein product, especially for those clients who are recovering from illness and/or have low appetites. It is also particularly suitable for sports enthusiasts since muscle mass can only be increased if the diet provides enough protein. And it can be used as a high protein meal replacement for slimmers.

The powder has a mild, pleasant, slightly savoury taste so it is perfect for adding to soup or sprinkled on cereal. It can also be blended with fruit such as a banana to make a fruit smoothie.

Recommended Uses: For helping sports enthusiasts increase muscle mass; For aiding weight control by helping prevent ‘rebound’ hunger; For low appetites; Helping recovery from illness.
750gm Powder £16.95
buy.gif (1255 bytes)

pea protein
8302 L-Arginine 500mg

Arginine is a Non Essential Amino Acid, but is an Essential nutrient in cats, rats and other mammals. In man, Arginine is only required in the diet under certain conditions.

Arginine is required for optimum growth and takes part in the release of the Growth Hormone. It is the immediate precursor of Ornithine, which also plays a role in the urea cycle. Arginine is concerned in the removal from the body of Ammonia which is a waste product of Nitrogen metabolism.

A variety of functions depend upon a sufficiency of Arginine e.g. Glucose Tolerance, Insulin Production and Liver Lipid Metabolism.
This product is not recomended for children or growing adolecents or Pregnant or Lactating.

Do not take if pregnant or breast feeding

Recommended daily intake: 1-4 capsules

90 capsules £9.50 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Arginine 500mg
8306 L-Carnitine 500mg

L-Carnitine is particularly important for fat metabolism since it is required for transporting fatty acids into the 'power house' of the cell for energy release. Weight watchers often like to take a supplement of this amino acid, and vegetarians too (since the main dietary sources of carnitine are red meat and dairy foods).

Do not take if pregnant or breast feeding

Recommended daily intake: 1 capsule

60 capsules £19.95 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

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8307 L-Cysteine 500mg

Cysteine is a sulphur-containing Non Essential Amino Acid which helps in the maintenance of the Immune System by helping to cleanse the body of impurities.

Cysteine also plays a role in energy metabolism. Like a number of other Amino Acids, it can be used as fuel if necessary; it can be converted into Glucose, which can then be oxidised for energy or stored as Glycogen. Cysteine is also a component of hair.

It is preferable to take Amino Acids with fruit juice or water, rather than milk. An Amino Acid is most effective when taken half an hour before any meal or at bedtime.
Not to be taken by diabetics without supervision.

Do not take if pregnant or breast feeding

Recommended daily intake: 1-2 capsules

90 capsules £13.95 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Cysteine 500mg
8309 L-Glutamine Powder 500g  New Product

Amino acids are used by the body to build proteins. Proteins are essential for the formation of cells and are also involved in the biochemical structure of hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and antibodies. Individually, amino acids also possess a vast array of properties.

Glutamine is particularly important for the health of the gut with the cells of the gut lining obtaining much of their growth material through utilising glutamine as a fuel. This is why, out of the 20 amino acids, glutamine, is often referred to as the ‘gut restorer’ amongst practitioners.

Large quantities of glutamine are stored in our muscles where it plays an important role in repairing and building new muscle. Heavy training can deplete our glutamine stores so a supplement may help speed recovery.

Lamberts® amino acids are presented in their natural ‘L’ free-form, which means that they are ready to be absorbed and used by the body.

500gm Powder £24.95 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

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8310 L-Glutamine 500mg

Glutamine is a Non Essential Amino Acid which can normally be synthesized in the body from many substances. It is closely related to Glutamic Acid and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) because of their metabolic team work as neurotransmitters. Glutamic Acid and Glutamine are dominant Amino Acids of Cerebrospinal fluid and are classified as powerful “Brain Fuel” sources.

Do not take if pregnant or breast feeding.

Recommended daily intake: 1-6 capsules

90 capsules £12.95 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Glutamine 500mg
8311 L-Glutathione Complex

Amino acids are used by the body to build proteins. Proteins are essential for the formation of cells and are also involved in the biochemical structure of hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and antibodies.

L-Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Of its many roles in the body it is best known as a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help to neutralise harmful free radicals that are produced quite naturally in the human body and which, if allowed to proceed unchecked, can harm tissues and organs.

60 capsules £16.75 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Glutathione Complex
8313 L-Histidine HCI 500mg

Amino acids are used by the body to build proteins. Proteins are essential for the formation of cells and are also involved in the biochemical structure of hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and antibodies.

The neurotransmitter, histamine, which is released during allergic reactions such as hayfever, is derived from the amino acid histidine. Histidine is also necessary for the maintenance of the myelin sheath of nerves.

As with all our amino acids, Lamberts L-Histidine is presented in its free-form for maximum absorption. Each capsule provides a full 500mg of L-Histidine.

30 capsules £7.50 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Histidine HCl 500mg
8316 L-Lysine 500mg

Lysine is an Essential Amino Acid found in large quantities in muscle tissue and little in vegetarian foods. Only Glutamic Acid and Aspartic Acid are as concentrated as Lysine in the muscles.

Normal Lysine metabolism is dependent upon many nutrients including Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Riboflavin, Vitamin C, Glutamic Acid and Iron.

Lysine takes part in Bone Growth by means of aiding Calcium absorption, and it also has a role in Collagen integrity.

Do not take if pregnant or breast feeding.

Recommended daily intake: 1-2 tablets

90 tablets £5.95 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Lysine 500mg
8318 L-Methionine 500mg

Amino acids are classified as either essential or non-essential. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesised in the body and must be obtained from the diet, whereas non-essential amino acids, whilst still essential for health, can be synthesised in the body and are therefore not classified as 'essential'.

This sulphur containing essential amino acid has antioxidant properties and is necessary for the mineral selenium to be absorbed and utilised. Additionally, methionine can be a detoxifying agent assisting in the removal of certain heavy metals from the body.

As with all our amino acids, Lamberts L-Methionine is presented in its free-form for maximum absorption. Each capsule provides a full 500mg of L-Methionine.

60 capsules £8.50 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Methionine 500mg
8319 L-Ornithine 500mg

Amino acids are used by the body to build proteins. Proteins are essential for the formation of cells and are also involved in the biochemical structure of hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and antibodies.

Ornithine releases growth hormone and helps maintain the health of the immune system and the liver. It has similar properties to arginine since these two amino acids convert into one another in the body, as required.

As with all our amino acids, Lamberts L- Ornithine is presented in its free-form for maximum absorption. Each capsule provides a full 500mg of L- Ornithine.

60 capsules £12.95 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Ornithine 500mg
8320 L-Theanine 100mg

Everyone knows that a nice cup of tea is the best thing for someone who has had some kind of shock or stressful ordeal. No other hot drink seems to offer this kind of support, so there must be something in the tea that has a calming effect.

Tea certainly contains a surprising amount of caffeine and yet is not generally considered as a stimulant in the same way that coffee is. Some researchers think that this maybe because tea contains something else - in effect cancelling out the caffeine.

The mystery ingredient in tea is now thought to be an amino acid called L-Theanine. And whilst it is not unique to tea, the tea plant seems a particularly rich source. When L-Theanine has been given to people in clinical studies many of the positive effects of tea can be reproduced.

We are delighted to introduce L-Theanine to the Lamberts range. We have chosen to use Suntheanine since this is a patented pharmaceutical grade L-Theanine whereas other L-Theanine products can contain up to 50% of the inactive 'D' form. It is also the product that has been used in numerous clinical studies worldwide.

60 tablets £14.95     buy.gif (1255 bytes)

8321 L-Phenylalanine 500mg

Amino acids are classified as either essential or non-essential. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesised in the body and must be obtained from the diet, whereas non-essential amino acids, whilst still essential for health, can be synthesised in the body and are therefore not classified as 'essential'.

Phenylalaine is an essential amino acid and is the precursor for the amino acid tyrosine. Like tyrosine, it is the precursor for the neurotransmitters called catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine).

As with all our amino acids, Lamberts L-Phenylalanine is presented in its free-form for maximum absorption. Each capsule provides a full 500mg of L-Phenylalanine.

60 capsules £10.50 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Phenylalanine 500mg
8325 Taurine 500mg

Taurine is a sulphur containing amino acid that, in adults, can be synthesised from cysteine when vitamin B6 and the mineral zinc are present. It is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, and participates in the normal functioning of the heart, brain, eyes, gallbladder and vascular system.

As with all our amino acids, Lamberts Taurine is presented in its free-form for maximum absorption. Each capsule provides a full 500mg of Taurine.

60 capsules £8.20 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Taurine 500mg
8329 L-Tyrosine 500mg

Amino acids are classified as either essential or non-essential. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesised in the body and must be obtained from the diet, whereas non-essential amino acids, whilst still essential for health, can be synthesised in the body and are therefore not classified as 'essential'.

Tyrosine is considered a non-essential amino acid because the body can make it from phenylalanine. It is important to brain nutrition because it is a precursor of the neurotransmitters - dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. It also acts as a precursor for certain hormones, including thyroxine and for the major human pigment melanin.

As with all our amino acids, Lamberts L-Tyrosine is presented in its free-form for maximum absorption. Each capsule provides a full 500mg of L-Tyrosine.

60 capsules £10.50 buy.gif (1255 bytes)

Lamberts L-Tyrosine 500mg


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